Classifying Rum

In Smuggler’s Cove, Martin Cate, proprietor of the renowned tiki bar in San Francisco of the same name, groups the dimensions of rum into the following categories:

Molasses & Evaporated Cane Rums

Pot still unaged
Pot still lightly aged
Pot still aged
Pot still long aged

Blended lightly aged
Blended aged
Blended long aged

Column still lightly aged
Column still aged
Column still long aged

Black pot still

Black blended
Black blended overproof

Fresh Cane Juice Rums

Cane Coffey still aged
Cane Pot still unaged

Cane AOC Martinique rhum agricole blanc
Cane AOC Martinique rhum agricole vieux
Cane AOC Martinique rhum agricole long aged

Pot still unaged cachaça
Pot still aged cachaça

All varieties of rum have their uses, but the 8 italicized varieties are most widely used in rum-based cocktails. Unaged rums are excluded from most cocktails as they are harsh spirits and thus difficult to blend. Conversely, the nuances of long-aged rums are best appreciated when served neat; they can also shine in very simple cocktails.