I wrote this when I was the Digital Library Applications Lead at the University of Notre Dame. It was archived from http://www3.nd.edu/~dbrubak1/ which no longer exists.
What I Know About The nd.edu Website
The present (2011) website
- is the second responsive design for nd.edu
- there are layout adjustments at: 481px, 530px, 700px, 701px, 768px, 960px, 1050px, 1200px, and 1400px
- media queries are sized in ems instead of px to avoid text resizing issues in some browsers
- is “mobile first”
- the site was designed with a phone-sized viewport as the primary target
- small images are sent first, then large ones if needed
- is NOT using a content management system of any kind
- the website is a relatively simple PHP template
- the pages are all the root file, index.php, within a directory hierarchy
- there is only one person who updates the content that is not syndicated into the site and they do it using Dreamweaver
- uses progressive enhancement to deliver
- in-line SVG (vector images) for some logos including the one in the top left that anchors the navigation with a raster images fall back
- embedded versions of the official university typefaces
- employs RESS to alter how the template is rendered based on the UserAgent of the requesting device
- at present this is limited to answering the question “Is this a mobile device”
- the general idea is to store “modernizer-like” values in a cookie that is set on the initial request
- this was initially implemented using Detector but it didn’t behave as originally hoped
- the current implementation is an in-house developed script that consists mostly of regular expression matching against the incoming UserAgent
- if the website is loaded on a mobile device:
- the large, image slider in the background is not loaded at all
- only one of the web fonts is loaded
- the drop down menus in the main navigation are not loaded
- loads large images, such as the ones in the image sliders, using media queries
- pictures in sliders are all background images so their source file and dimensions can be adjusted with CSS
- images in the large slider are scaled to the size of their containing element using “background-size: cover”
- high resolution (“retina”) screens are supported with double resolution images using the “device-pixel-ratio” media query
- uses several open-source, or liberally licensed components
- jQuery as the foundation for all the site JavaScript
- modernizer to enable client-side progressive enhancement
- Flexslider for both of the image sliders on the main page
Responsive Design Resources
- Eric recommended Responsive Web Design by Ethan Marcotte which informed the implementation of the first responsive redesign of nd.edu.
- I maintain a page documenting my understanding of responsive design.
Professional Development
Conferences Agency has developers to: